Monday, 17 January 2011

Twitter for Homeschoolers

After putting it off as long as possible, I joined Twitter not too long ago.  I wasn't really sure what to expect when I signed up, but I've had a lot of pleasant surprises since becoming part of the Twitter community.  I think that was the biggest shock for me; there really is a community feeling on Twitter.

On Twitter, there's a large community not only of parents, but of homeschooling parents.  There are lots of links to informative articles, notes about different homeschooling resources, and simply a constant supply of support and encouragement.  Even if you don't know other homeschooling families in your area, on Twitter you can interact with homeschooling parents around the world.  This is a great place to get and give advice and inspiration.  If you home school, I would definitely recommend trying out Twitter.

I'm sure there are many more great people that I'm missing, but here are a few of the people who tweet about homeschooling: @homeschool, @HomeschoolSue, @hmschooliguide, @HomeCurriculum, and @Homeschoolounge.

My Twitter handle is @KeriWithington.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the nice mention, Keri! I have to agree with you wholeheartedly, twitter is a great place for homeschoolers!!!

    Blessings to you,
    {aka: @HomeschoolSue}
